What we did on our “COVID Vacation”
Since the shop closed in March 2020, we have been asked many times how we are enjoying our retirement and all the free time. The answer from both of us is “What free time?” Closing the shop during a pandemic was not an easy chore even with our amazing staff. It took a couple of months to move everything to three storage units and both our houses and even more time to try to organize. Keeping track of the inventory is an ongoing process as we continue to sell our remaining stock. The wonderful Gail Matthews has been working on our new website. At first, we will have just some of the inventory listed and more will follow as we catalog it. It is a big job!
On the lighter side Anne Merrow interviewed us on The Long Thread Podcast which was a lot of fun.
Judy was featured in the May/June HANDWOVEN magazine with her article on weaving the cutest kilt ever. She is doing some private teaching to both new weavers as well as some just needing a refresher. Contact her at shuttles@shuttlesspindlesandskeins for more information.
The Winter 2020 issue of PLY magazine included an article on a scarf woven by Judy with Maggie’s handspun and the pitfalls that occurred during its creation.
Maggie has wandered into virtual teaching and taught for GLASG, Lambtown, and Maryland Sheep and Wool. It has been an uphill battle, but she now knows how to work her second camera.
And while there has been weaving, spinning and some knitting going on there still doesn’t seem to be enough time for all the plans and dreams.
What we miss most about Shuttles is the day to day interactions with the people we came to care for and know so well. We are still here for you to answer questions and help you keep enjoying and fostering your creativity.
Judy & Maggie